7 Tips for Long Distance Relationship

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7 Tips for Long Distance Relationship

You have just started dating a wonderful person. You get along well, you enjoy being together, and things seem to be going well.

The only problem, however, is that they just got offered a dream job in another state. Or maybe you hit it off with someone you met online but who happens to live on the other side of the country.

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Long-distance relationships may seem scary or difficult, but they can be successful. Successful long-distance relationships require a little care and effort.

Here are some tips on how to nurture your love and deal with possible problems.

1. wave: never miss a chance to connect

wave is a new video chat app with online notification. Even if you are in long distance, wave will be the best app to help you.


wave will notify you when your partner is online, ensuring you never miss a chance to connect.

wave app for long distance relationship?

With wave, you can share the same virtual background and experience the sensation of being in the same place with your partner, bridging the distance gap in your long-distance relationship.


wave is a new video communication app platform that enables you and your partner to come together and enhance your long-distance relationship. It's more than just a video chat - you can share cherished memories, connect better, and experince together.

Try the wave app, available for free on the Apple Store, and take the first step towards building a stronger and closer bond with your partner.

What you can do on wave?

Share memories together for long distance

Whether you're in a long-distance relationship or just looking to stay connected with friends, wave app is the perfect platform to share cherished memories.

With wave, you can easily upload photos or videos that capture the moments you spent together, whether it's a fun outing with friends or a romantic date with your partner.

And even when you're apart, wave allows you to reunite virtually and relive those moments together.

So why not give it a try and start building a repository of beautiful memories on wave.

Send your status

Send wave to your friends when you are available want to talk to them as well.


You don't have to text to prepare, schedule but just enjoy the moment when both are available.

Watching video together regardless of the distance

You can enjoy the experience of co-watching videos with your friends or partner, regardless of the distance by using wave.

Thanks to the ability to upload videos as backgrounds, you can easily share and enjoy videos together on your phone through wave.

This immersive and enjoyable experience provides an excellent way to stay connected and enjoy your favorite videos together, even when you're far apart.

How to make first wave?

wave is now available on iOS devices, bringing you closer to your friends or partner, no matter where you are.

Installing wave is quick and easy, and all you need to do is invite your partner to join and start making video chat.


How to start wave

  1. Download wave on you phone
  2. Get the invitation from your partner / Invite them
  3. (Need to invite from the contact)
  4. Create a room or wave
  5. Just have fun on wave!

2. Ground rules to manage expectations for long distance relationship

As the first thing to do, it is very important to establish some ground rules to manage expectations.

During a long-distance relationship, both parties need to be clear about what to expect from each other. Set some ground rules so that neither of you does anything that might surprise the other.

For example, are the two of you married, casual, or exclusive? Is it okay for the other person to go on a date with you? What is your level of commitment? It is a good idea to be open with each other about these things.


3. Set aside a time each day or week to keep in touch.

Long distance relationship needs trust, and this is one of the important thing to make the relationship and trust better.

If you set aside a time for contact from the beginning, you will have the same frequency of contact with your friends and partners.

Some people text all day, some call at the end of the day, some do VR call every day, some video call once a week, or a mix of all of them. If you and your partner are in different time zones, this can be difficult to coordinate, but not impossible.

Try different options for these until you find the one that works best for both of you. And don't forget: keep the quality of the conversation.

If you often argue or end up feeling unsatisfied with most of your interactions, you need to re-evaluate whether the relationship is still a positive one.


If it is not casual, tell others your long distance relationship

If you are wondering how to make a long distance relationship work, you need to come clean about the fact that you are in a long distance relationship. Most long-distance relationships don't seem to be as "real" as face-to-face relationships!

To make it more better, be sure to let all the people who are important to you locally (friends, family, people you want to date) know that you are in a long-distance relationship.


Many people believe that all long distance relationships are doomed to fail. One of the biggest challenges of long-distance relationships is commitment, and trust is secret sauce to make long-distance relationships work.

Be supportive when the other person really needs it. If you don't know what they are doing, that doesn't mean they are cheating on you.

4. Meet in Person Regularly even in a long distance relationship

Especially since Corona, there seems to be fewer opportunities to actually meet. Meeting is very important for long distance relationships.

It is good to have a chance to see each other once a month if possible, or at least once every three months.

Create the reason to meet

If you are working, you can increase the frequency of your meetings if you can make work commitments in the area where your partner is.

If you are still in your teens, you have to convince your parents somehow. If your partner is smart, you can say you want to study with them. If your partner is good at playing basketball, you can say you want to watch the game.

Meet halfway between where you and your partner live.

The easiest way for both parties is to meet halfway between where you and your partner live.

If you have a car, you can both drive out and meet in the middle.

If both of you are in a very long distance relationship, like 1000 miles or more apart, you may want to take a plane ride and travel somewhere. In that case, it will be difficult to see each other often, but you will be able to spend precious quality time together.


5. Express your true feelings

It is very important to be honest with the other person about what you really think. Also, ask questions to confirm their feelings.

Ask the other person questions

How's life lately? How's the weather? How can I support you? What do I need most right now? How are you feeling?

If you don't know how to ask questions,

Caring conveys to the other person.

It conveys care, concern, and the desire to be there for them all the time.

These questions allow the person feeling isolated to think and share what is at the core of what they are feeling and thinking. The person asking the questions can show that they care and clarify what is most needed to return to connection and love.

If something has changed within the relationship, it’s important to begin to question if you are both on the same page.

6. Cherish the moment.

In terms of long distance relationship, the moment you are connected is the most important.

Whatever the method of connection, it is a powerful one. For example, wave can be as meaningful as a dinner date, as you experience as if you are in the same place as the other person.

Even when you are there, the person in front of you is more important than in your phone, and the real important thing is not on BeReal or instagram. No matter how you connect, cherish the moment.

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Watch a movie together

The rise of streaming has made it possible to watch movies and TV shows even when you are on the other side of the world.

Synchronize the beginning of a movie by starting it at the exact same time. While one partner is watching via webcam, the other partner can play the movie, but doing so may make it difficult to see or hear (although this may not be a problem if you are watching "Goodfellas" over and over).

Enjoy the movie with your partner by calling or video chatting while watching the movie. Of course, this method may take some getting used to. But before you know it, you will find yourself as relaxed as if your partner were right there with you.

Movie Recommendations

The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries is a series of vampire novels popular primarily with teenagers, and became popular by producing tv series.

The Vampire Diaries portrays three central characters. Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, and Damon Salvatore.

The umbrella academy

At the stroke of noon on Oct. 1, 1989, a supernatural event causes 43 women to give birth to supernaturally gifted babies.

When an enigmatic monocled man swoops in to adopt seven of these siblings, a new era of superheroes begins.

And the story begins with apocalypse.

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Carl Allen is at a standstill. No future - until the day he enrolls into a personal development program based on a very simple idea: say yes to everything. Sounds silly but if you start to say ues to everything, it could be more adventureous.

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7. There's no perfect partner

Some partners tend to idealize their relationship, and remember it as better than it actually is.

This is not only about long distance relationship but every relationship.

Studies have shown that couples who are more idealized in their relationships are more likely to break up in unstable relationships.

There is no such thing as the perfect ideal partner in this world. Mutual respect and understanding will determine what makes a good or not so good couple for both parties.

If you only remember the good things about your partner, you may be disappointed when you have a chance to see them again. Instead of building them up in your head as the perfect partner, try to judge things dispassionately.

Try not to checking up on your partner frequently

Long-distance relationships require you trust each other to maintain the boundaries of your relationship.

Of course, this goes for every kind of relationship, but it can have even more significance in a relationship where you have no way of knowing if your partner is actually doing what they say they’re doing.

It’s normal to worry when your partner’s behavior seems unusual. Maybe they miss a goodnight call, talk a lot about new friends, or seem less responsive to texts for a few days.

When this happens, communicate your concerns instead of letting worries tempt you into asking for proof of where they were or photos of them in bed each night.

Best Netflix to watch together during long distance

There are so many other shows on Netflix, you can check .



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